Dance Marathon at Iowa State University has lots of opportunities to get involved, and joining a committee is a great way to work with a team of peers to make the magic happen throughout the year. Whether you're looking for opportunities to build your graphic design portfolio or want a chance to lead your peers on the best day of the year (our big event), there are options for everyone!

Read our committee descriptions below and apply to the committee of your interest here. Applications close September 15.

Not sure which committee is your best fit but still want to get involved? Check out our Ignite Leadership Development Program.

The Creative Committee will assist both the Creative Director who oversee all aspects of social media, visual media (such as video, photography), and campaigns to bring awareness about the importance and life-changing experience of Dance Marathon.

The Creative Committee will be expected to assist in whatever areas the director needs support in. Additionally, this individual will be expected to photograph all Dance Marathon Miracle Meetings and some of the other events held throughout the Dance Marathon year. They will offer their creative input and assist in developing the ISUDM socials and overall brand which includes taking photos, making graphics, brainstorming, etc.

We want to provide this individual with some creative freedom as well and individual projects and goals can be discussed! This individual will be expected to attend regular meetings at the discretion of the Branding and PR directors and attend regular committee meetings.

A good candidate for this position is someone who has access to and experience with Adobe Suite and Canva and/or with social media management. Experience in videography and photography would be a plus but not required.

The events committee assists the events directors with day-of DM event duties. Being a part of the events committee is a great way to get an introduction to the events world and see all of the behind-the-scenes and execution of an event. As a member of the events committee, you will play an integral role in making these events a success. 

Some of the main duties of this role include assisting with the setup and tear down of Dance Marathon events, assisting with the decorating of event spaces, ensuring each event runs as smoothly as possible, and being the right-hand man for the events directors. You will also be given some “odds and ends” jobs on event day, whatever role needs to be filled! Lastly, you may be asked to give some input on event coordination decisions and new event ideas. 

It is important to be able to be present for most, if not all, of the Dance Marathon events throughout the year, including but not limited to Digs for DM, Stacks for Stead, Push Days, and, of course, the Big Event.

The Family Relations Committee is an amazing way to be directly involved with our miracle kiddos and families. Committee members are assigned to families that they will talk to throughout the year, attend events with, and support through their life experiences. Committee members will also help the Family Relations Co-Directors with any tasks that are needed to ensure that the Big Event and other family events go as smoothly as possible. This can include making crafts, helping set up the family room for the kiddos, and any other responsibilities that are delegated. 

Members of this committee are also expected to attend all, if not most, meetings and encourage others to participate in Dance Marathon at Iowa State. It is important that members of this committee are dedicated to serving our families in a respectful and encouraging way. Dependability is a must. 

Being a part of this committee is so incredibly rewarding because members can see the impact, they are making on the lives of all our families. If members don’t have a “why” for joining Dance Marathon yet, they certainly will after serving a year on the Family Relations Committee.

The Recruitment and Morale Committee is in charge of recruiting Iowa State students to join Dance Marathon and keeping morale high. Along with recruiting, morale captains will lead their team of Miracle Makers throughout the year. Morale Captains will work closely with the families committee to connect their teams with miracle families. Committee members will be responsible for planning team bonding events with their team, helping Miracle Makers reach their fundraising goal, and keeping Miracle Makers engaged and informed all year long with everything happening in the DM world. Morale captains are expected to attend regular committee meetings during the spring and fall semester. Morale captains will hold a high level of responsibility in the organization, while also bringing the hype and energy to Dance Marathon, especially at Dance Marathon’s Big Event in February.

Members of the Recruitment and Morale Committee are ideally positive, upbeat people who want to see Dance Marathon grow as an organization. They are good at maintaining communication and are passionate about the cause.

This committee is dedicated to forming lasting partnerships with community and corporate businesses. Committee members have the opportunity to make valuable connections while gaining in-kind donations (like food/water/gift cards/etc.) and monetary donations. The main goal for this committee is to develop connections locally and nationally to obtain all food for Dance Marathon events as well as in- kind donations and other forms of support. This committee will be expected to attend regular meetings at the discretion of the Corporate and Community Partnerships Directors as well as attending all- committee meetings.

A good candidate for this committee will be driven, comfortable and knowledgeable speaking about Dance Marathon and passionate about increasing the impact of Dance Marathon.

This committee is dedicated to stewarding relationships and thanking all of the members of the Dance Marathon community. The main goal for this committee is to help us grow and maintain the relationships that have been created on all levels of the community. This role includes things such as communicating with partners, alumni, and families to thank them, coming up with thoughtful gifts, helping host participant appreciation, and more! As a newer position to the organization, there is a lot of room for creativity and fun when coming up with ways to make everyone in the DM world feel appreciated.

A good candidate for this committee will be a confident communicator, creative thinker, and a good team player. They should value making and strengthening connections with others.

The Youth Outreach committee works closely with our Mini Marathons which includes any elementary school, middle school, or high school program supporting our Dance Marathon across Iowa. They help plan and coordinate their events, as well as reach out to new schools to help them start their own Dance Marathon. This committee gets to put on the hat of every committee and be the go-to for our Youth Programs.

YO helps to create lasting positive relationships with our youth programs by planning events and activities for them, as well as providing them with the resources they need to be successful. Youth Outreach also ensures that all schools feel connected to our collegiate Dance Marathon Program. All of this plays an important role in the future recruitment for ISUDM. Members of Youth Outreach are ideally personable, organized people who want to help grow the passion and excitement for Dance Marathon for our youth programs.